Jacksonville, Texas
And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful leaders who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2
C. Andrew Doyle
Bishop, Diocese of Texas
Rev. Canon Kathryn (Kai) Ryan
Bishop Suffragan , Diocese of Texas
Rt. Rev. Jeff W. Fisher
Bishop Suffragan, Diocese of Texas
2024 Bishop's Committee:
Bob Legg.......................Bishop's Warden
Jack Porbeck.............................Sec/Treas
Patricia Barr.................................Member
Deanna Cooley...........................Member
Jennifer Dickey...........................Member
Brian Johnson.............................Member
Shawn Mize.................................Member
Suzanne Morris...........................Member
Holy Eucharist are led by:
Father M.L. Agnew or
Father John Carr
Morning Prayer's include a sermon with
Rev. Jimmie Reese
​Eucharistic Ministers:
Shawn Mize, Suzanne Morris, Brian Johnson, Jennifer Dickey, and Jack Porbeck.
Shawn Mize, Suzanne Morris, Brian Johnson, Patricia Barr, Lenka Johnson, and Jack Porbeck.
Phyllis Hunt